What’s It All About

When I wasn’t working or watching John Huston movies today, I did some work for this site. The first article is just about ready and should be posted soon. I also did an “About This Site” write up that’ll have a permanent place in the sidebar shortly. Figured I’d post in the interim, since people seem to be finding this already. Here it is:

If you are reading this site, chances are you already know that I run a game company and design games for a living. If you don’t, you can learn about my day job at www.greenronin.com . I started this site because I was tired of always being “on the job.” Whenever I posted to message boards and the like, I was representing the company. I found that I was constantly holding back on offering my opinion, lest I be accused of unprofessionalism. I found I longed for an outlet; somewhere I could say what I damn well pleased. Well, this is it. Here, you’ll find a mishmash of stuff. Yes, there will be some game writing and game discussion, but you’ll also find political thought, anecdotes from my life, ruminations on punk rock, and whatever else strikes my fancy.

The name of the site, Ex-Teenage Rebel, originally comes from a song by the Subhumans, from their Worlds Apart LP. Later, it was the name of my first punk rock band. It’s an appropriate appellation for a variety of reasons (my age being the most obvious!), but mostly because the struggle of my 30s is to have a decent life without abandoning what I believe in.

So what happened to your old opinions?

The thoughts that you held for so long?

That inspired a thousand rebellions

Against what was and still is so wrong

You tell me you used to be “crazy”

And “paranoid” like I am now

You “soon realized there was no reason why”

So you gave up and soon settled down

What happened to you with your ideas?

What happened to all your hopes and fears?

Ex-teenage rebel–same old story

From Ex-Teenage Rebel


Worlds Apart LP, 1985

Lyrics by Dick Lucas

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