Last night we went to Jenny’s birthday celebration. It started at Hale’s Ales Brewery and Pub and then at 10:30 we went around back to “Hale’s Palladium” to see one of the Moisture Festival’s performances. This was a totally old school vaudeville show with jugglers, jokesters, magicians, trapeze artists, singers, and a full band. The atmosphere was festive, the acts were good, and the crowd was in the proper spirit. John had tipped off the MC, who led the entire crowd in singing happy birthday to our girl. All in all quite a fun time.
One of the other partygoers was Scott Glancy of Pagan Publishing and he brought an advanced copy of Delta Green d20 for Tynes. So those of you who have been waiting for this book for like three years, I can confirm that it exists. I even touched it. The main shipment is on a boat, so there’s still a chance that R’ley will rise and Cthulhu will seize the print run for himself, but it seems the book that has been “at print” longer than it takes most game books to be written may finally see release.