I had a busy weekend so I’m looking forward to having tomorrow off. I had a bunch of GR stuff to do on Saturday and then on Sunday I spoke at A Writer’s Weekend, a yearly event in which aspiring writers get a chance to talk to other writers, literary agents, and so on. This was my first time there. I joined ex-WotC-ites Wolf Baur and Scott Hungerford on both the World Building and Writing for Shared Wolds panels. They both went well, but the first was much better attended than the second because the latter was up against a seminar by a bounty hunter giving tips on writing violence. I hear he had great stories to tell.
Today was a double dose of temptation. First, the market across the street from Flying Lab announced that they have brought in Junior’s cheesecake from Brooklyn. This is the cheesecake by which I judge all others and now I can get it anytime I want. That is very dangerous. We also discovered that a new game store opened not two blocks away. Blue Highway Games has board games, cards games, and some collectible minis games. About half the store is family and educational games, as befits Queen Anne, but they also have a lovely selection of Euro games. The place is clean and well put together, and includes gaming tables so people can play right there. It’d be great if this store could thrive, so I made sure to buy something. I chose Paths of Glory by GMT, which I’ve been meaning to pick up for years. Now to find an opponent. Curse you, temptation!
If only you knew someone intersted in wargames and was willing to play on a weekly basis….
Message from Tammie Ryan:
Sorry to contact you through your blog, but my new computer doesn’t have your email address and I have a bad memory.
Chas told me that you will be visiting the UK and I wanted to ask you if you can spend some time with us. It would be great to see you. You are very welcome to stay at our house.
Our email address is charlesandtammie (at) yahoo (dot) com. Hope to hear from you soon!