Last week I did a sleep study, which will hopefully lead to a formal diagnosis of sleep apnea and treatment for the condition Getting full nights of restful sleep would sure be nice. The study was pretty wacky. One part of the hospital has these hotel-esque rooms. I checked in at 9 pm and made myself comfortable. I had brought multiple books to read and there was a TV in the room as well. After filling out a questionnaire, a technician came to wire me up (which took a full half hour). This was head to foot, with something like 26 connections. These sensors collect data while during sleep and help them diagnose the problems. In the end I had so many wires coming off me I felt like a cyborg. A bunch of them were pasted to my face and head with wax. The challenge after that was actually to sleep in all that gear. Lying on my stomach was right out, because there was a receiver strapped around my chest that the wires went in to. After Nik left I watched a bit of TV and read Sharpe’s Escape by Bernard Cornwell. I eventually fell asleep but it was fitful. I woke up a fair bit, trying to find a comfortable position. I thought I might be up for the day at 5:30 am but finally managed to fall asleep again until a little after 7. I had planned to go home and shower but the wax on my face compelled me to do it there. Nik and I had breakfast and then I went to work. I’ve got a follow-up this week in which the doctor will present their findings. I may have to do the whole thing again so we’ll see how it goes.
Yesterday Nik and I caught a matinee of Juno, which we’ve been trying to see for awhile. It is a good flick, maybe not Oscar worthy (except perhaps for Ellen Page, who was great) but definitely enjoyable. The one thing that grated on me was the music. A little Kimya Dawson goes a long way in my book and she did the entire soundtrack. Afterwards Nik and I both had one of her frickin’ songs stuck in our heads, to our chagrin. By the end of the night we wer saying, “Screw you, Kimya Dawons!” This morning I was finally free of it. Or so I thought. The bus I take to work passes by Easy St. Records. Their sign today said: Live In-Store, Kimya Dawson, Feb 9. Apparently I cannot escape.
My advice Chris, in the case of a song you can’t stand being stuck in your head. Listen to something very loud and angry. Like Lamb of God. 🙂
Having been diagnosed with sleep apnea (finally) last year, I can tell you from experience that using a CPAP has made a wonderful change for the better in both my life and my wife’s. She is no longer worried about me since I don’t stop breathing in the middle of the night, and my snoring is completely gone. Best of luck with your diagnosis, and I hope that things work out equally well for you.
With Regards,
Tall and tan and young and lovely
The girl from ipanema goes walking
…and drives any annoying song right from your head.
Unless, of course, you find Girl from Ipanema annoying, in which case, you’re on your own.