I must admit that I’ve been enjoying being snowed in these last few days. Kate is up in Vancouver visiting her dad, so Nicole and I have had the house to ourselves. We have enjoyed the quiet, particularly as the snow and cold have kept the world’s lamest gangstas out of the kiddie park next to our place. We were able to make a supermarket run just as the snow was starting again on Saturday, so we haven’t wanted for anything but a snow shovel (Lowe’s had none). It’s been nice spending some time alone in a calm environment. I shared Love and Death, still my favorite Woody Allen movie, with her last night. Today we took a pleasant walk down to the library. It was icy but the sun was out and the snowy vistas were beautiful.
I’ve gotten a lot of work done on the game I’m designing as well. I’ve written down enough of the thoughts that have been swirling around in my head for the past several months that the basic framework is in place. Now it’s a matter of building on it and refining it.I’ll be doing more of this on my days off over Xmas. Hopefully we’ll be announcing the game in January.
I’ve also been trying to get caught up on GR mail orders. We had a lot come in because of the d20 blowout sale we’ve been running. Orders backed up and the snow has made it worse. We got five bins to the post office on Saturday before the storm. Today I spent an hour in the cold garage picking more orders. Soon this will be handled at our warehouse and I’m so looking forward to that.
My only problem right now is that it’s 2:30 am and I should be asleep. I’m going to try to bus to Flying Lab in the morning and I need to get an early start. I was saying to Nicole earlier that although I’ve been working every day I’ve been home, I still felt more relaxed than usual. She smirked and said, “That’s because you’ve only been working one job.” Good point.