Below you will find the list of the panels I’ll be on at GenCon. Other than these seminars, I’m most likely to be found at the Green Ronin booth (#1517) between the hours of 10 am and 6 pm. I will be ducking out for meetings and such at various points, but I try to spend as much time in the booth as I can.
10-11 am: The State of Superheroes at Green Ronin
Crowne Plaza : Victoria Stn C/D
3-4 pm: Pathfinder and Green Ronin
Crowne Plaza : Pennsylvania Stn A
12-1 pm: Emerald Spire* All-Stars
Convention Center, Room 231
* This is a Pathfinder super dungeon I wrote a chapter of for Paizo Publishing. It’s a two hour seminar but I can only be there for the first hour.
1-2 pm: What’s Up at Green Ronin Publishing?
Crowne Plaza : Conrail Stn
See you in Indy!