“In the current era of hype surrounding a major motion picture release, one film is taking a different approach. Instead of creating a slick marketing package, fancy titles or cashing in on someone else’s ides, the most original action film of the summer is using one approach. Honesty. The title of the movie says it all, “Snakes on a Plane.” This film is based around the simple idea of there’s a plane and killer snakes escape their cages to terrorize the crew and passengers at 30,000 feet. Staring Samuel L. Jackson, the upcoming movie tries not to hide anything. There’s snakes, there’s a plane and classic popcorn, over-the-top action ensues. Another honest approach is their marketing plan. A few select bloggers (I’m one of the lucky few) have been selected to interview Samuel L. Jackson, David Ellis (director) and Jules Sylvester (snake handler) while attending San Diego Comic Con. Also, we are going to be able to tour the Snakes on a Plane booth before the show opens. So check back later for more exclusive coverage of Snakes on a Plane and our interviews.”