Real Americans

“We believe that the best of America is in these small towns that we get to visit, and in these wonderful little pockets of what I call the real America, being here with all of you hardworking, very patriotic, um, very, um, pro-America areas of this great nation.”

That gem is from Sarah Palin, the disasta from Alaska. It typifies the views of a certain slice of the right wing. According to them, people from small towns are simple, godly Americans whose folksy wisdom is better than book learnin’. They are true patriots and stalwart in their Christian faith. It always goes without saying that they are also white. City-dwellers, on the other hand, are godless sodomites, either latte-sipping intellectual effetes or suspicious immigrants with dark skin here to take the jobs of the hardworking heroes of the heartland.

The bile spewed at “coastal elites,” particularly people from New York City and San Francisco, is beyond hateful. The rhetoric is so over the top you’d think urban liberals and lefties were traitors and terrorists. And indeed we’ve seen some frothing McCain supporters yell just those things at Obama recently.

These tactics are nothing new. It’s just the Red Scare for the next generation. Something about it was really bugging me though and I’ve finally put my finger on it. These same “patriots” who have nothing but contempt for urban Americans have been using the bodies of 2603 dead New Yorkers (and 125 dead Washingtonians) as a political prop since 2001. Oh yeah, when the victims of 9/11 were alive they were traitors, but murdered they suddenly became heroes. Nice to know what it takes for us urban types to be considered real Americans.

So go ahead, call me a commie because I think the rich shouldn’t get fatter at the expense of the poor. Call me a traitor because I marched against both Gulf Wars. Call me whatever you want, but come November 4th this American will be exercising his rights and my vote has just as much weight as yours.

5 thoughts on “Real Americans

  1. “Call me whatever you want, but come November 4th this American will be exercising his rights and my vote has just as much weight as yours.”

    Offer void in Florida!

  2. due to each empty state getting at least 3 EV (2 senators, one rep) your vote counts a bit less if you live in a coastal elite state.

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