5. Your promises are vague and so is the delivery date of the project.
4. You spend 30 days on all social media talking about nothing but your Kickstarter. I didn’t back it the first 500 times I heard about it, but number 501 is sure to do the trick!
3. The leader of your team is an ethically-challenged piece of work who has already publicly disgraced himself.
2. Your “funny” game is about rape.
1. You are a millionaire and you Kickstart something you could easily afford. Asking people poorer than you to fund your project is so 1%.
Number 3 sounds suspiciously like someone… hmmm, I wonder who that reminds me of.
Oh, Steve Jobs! No, not him. Some reason that name keeps coming to mind.
#5 and #4 are rampant. I think we will find that several very public, very large projects will be exceedingly late, or fail altogether, possibly crippling kickstarter forever.
I haven’t seen #3 occur, but I might just be misinformed.
Number 2 is simply pathetic. Unfortunately, I have seen a project like this.
Number 1 I’m impartial to, as long as the people who “pre-order” get what they paid for. Of course, its a gamble.
I can think of three initials I will never buy games from. Dont know if he has a kickstarter though.